IC Caribbean is an online travel agency and Caribbean magazine which promotes the sights and sounds of the entire Caribbean on one website. We focus on all things Caribbean including beaches, weather, carnivals, music festivals, sports, wildlife, history and attractions.
Headed by Kittitian born Founder/President, Icen Collins, our team comprises persons from all over the world, including Caribbean natives who know the Caribbean best and are able to accurately and passionately promote the essence of Caribbean life.
While booking your next getaway with us you can even visit our online store for all your vacation gear and souvenir items. Although promoting the Caribbean is our number one priority, iccaribbean.com goes a step further by donating 5% of our net profit to local communities throughout the region.
IC Caribbean is an online travel agency and Caribbean magazine that promotes the sights and sounds of the entire Caribbean on one website. Our team comprises individuals from all over the world, including Caribbean natives who know the Caribbean best and can passionately promote the essence of Caribbean life.
To become the leading online platform for promoting and celebrating the Caribbean region's cultural diversity, natural beauty, and vibrant lifestyle.
We aim to provide travelers with the most comprehensive information and convenient booking services for their Caribbean vacations while promoting sustainable tourism practices that benefit local communities.