Sanitary Protocols to enter Cuba at this time
In correspondence with the international and national epidemiological situation of COVID-19 and the levels of immunization achieved, it has been decided to make the following modifications to the requirements for entering the country as part of the International Sanitary Control. Travelers entering Cuba at this time must adhere to strict sanitary protocols to enter cuba to ensure the safety of all individuals.
- Eliminate as a requirement to enter the country the presentation of a test for COVID-19 (antigen test or PCR-RT) carried out in the country of origin, as well as the anti-COVID-19 vaccination certificate.
- The collection of samples for the study of SARS CoV-2 (free) will be maintained randomly from travelers at the points of entry to the country, taking into account the number of flights, the entry of ships and the epidemiological risk that the country of origin represents. origin.
- De resultar positiva la muestra tomada en el punto de entrada se procederá según los protocolos aprobados en el paÃs para el control clÃnico-epidemiológico de la COVID-19.
- All flows and measures implemented at all points of entry into the country that guarantee social distancing and the disinfection of hands and surfaces are maintained.
- The mandatory use of the mask is maintained at all points of entry into the country.
Advances in the vaccination process in Cuba against COVID-19
Cuba ends 2021 with three of its own vaccines and more than 85% of its population immunized against covid-19, something that, although it did not reach everyone as the Government intended, is a significant advance both in absolute terms and in comparison with the rest of the country world.
The Caribbean country experienced its worst outbreak of the pandemic in the summer months, when the new positives exceeded 9,000 cases a day and the fatalities were close to a hundred daily.
The Cuban biopharmaceutical industry, with a recognized track record worldwide, bet on several of its own formulas to stop infections, based on previous knowledge of other vaccines developed in the country. As a result, the Cuban biopharmaceutical industry presented in a few months five vaccine candidates applied in intervention, population studies, clinical trials and others to obtain results in record time.
Covid-19 in Cuba today
After almost two years of complex epidemiological challenges imposed on us by COVID-19, Cuba has begun to go through a new stage in the control of the virus, which requires the responsible accompaniment of all. Our country has carried out the following measures to continue with this new stage:
- of nasobucos or masks, hand sanitizers. Activities in small groups.
- Continuation of the process to combat Covid 19 with the Sovereign Plus, Sovereign 02 and Abdala vaccine candidates. It can be highlighted at this point that, to date:
- Vaccination of the tourism sector as a whole.
- Existence of a medical team made up of doctors, specialists in epidemiology and nurses in all facilities
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